Christian Reconciliation Services

A Certified Christian Conciliator™ since 1992, Ted consults and conciliates in cases ranging from personal disputes to lawsuits and church conflicts.

From 1994 through 2004, he worked as a Christian conciliator for Peacemaker Ministries. In 2004, Ted founded Ambassadors of Reconciliation (AoR), serving as President until 2015. He currently serves as Senior Ambassador Emeritus for AoR.

Christian reconciliation utilizes the Bible to help people resolve conflict and restore relationships.

Conflict resolution addresses material issues, such as money and property, roles, contract disputes, and governance matters. These issues are resolved through collaborative negotiation.

Reconciliation addresses personal issues, including broken relationships, personal offenses, and sin issues. These issues are reconciled through confession and forgiveness.

To serve people struggling with conflict, Ted’s reconciliation services include:

Teaching biblical peacemaking – teaching individuals and groups how to apply God’s Word when resolving conflict and reconciling relationships

Conflict coaching – helping one person at time apply biblical peacemaking to a specific dispute

– facilitating two or more parties at the same time to resolve their material issues and restore their relationship through confession and forgiveness

Adjudicating – formally hearing conflicted parties present their cases in a dispute and rendering a binding decision for the parties on the issues they identified

Group conflict reconciliation
– Assisting a church or other group in conflict to resolve their conflicts in a god-pleasing manner and engage in a process for reconciling relationships

Leadership consultation – Guiding leaders in a Christian ministry through assessment and recommendations for proactively preparing for conflict and reactively working through current issues

Ted utilizes the ICC Rules of Procedure ( in his reconciliation work.

He is committed to abide by the ICC Standard of Conduct for Christian Conciliators ( Contact Ted for more information, including discussing your specific situation.